Here are just some areas that I have been a student lately...
1. My girls: I have for the longest time in my life felt incompetent to meet and mentor anyone. But for some unknown reason I have a group of girls who look to me for wise counsel, encouragement and fun! I enjoy them so much and I try to spend quality time with each one of them at some point in the week. For me and Clair -- we tend to see each other in the Library. For me and Amber -- well we do a Wednesday night dinner thing! I am very fortunate to have these people who come to me because they feel I have something to offer. So when I am feeling down and out like I don't have anything to give they show up and I find that fulfillment in my calling to be at CSU.
2. School:As of right now writing this post I only have about 74 more days until I walk across the stage. I believe I can do it! :) No - I KNOW I can do it! :) I did get my ring in the mail the other day. Its PURTY!

3. Photography: I think I might have finally figured out some settings on my camera to shoot better pictures in the Fieldhouse. I have been shooting a lot of volleyball that is exciting.
4. Myself: I have a lot of issues! I might go into details about what I am learning some time soon. Right now - I just need your prayers!
5. God: He is so patient! He is sovereign and will get the glory no matter what! Elevate has been a complete turn around and I believe it because of those leading others closer to God and closer to each other (Elevate motto this year)!
Last thing for this post... Today is my little sponsor child's birthday! Jhonatan Omar Silva Murrafo. Please pray for him! He just turned 8 years old today!
Seeking help from the Maker!
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