So we made it to the airport safe and in one piece and finally found a parking space. They decided to talk to every person possible between the car and getting through security. They even invited the US Airways check-in guy to fly down with us when he gets off on Thursday. LOL! Holy cow. I was not so embarrassed there...YET! With Aunt Polly squealing about every plane that took off we made our way to our own airplane.
That was a pretty long flight (3.5 hours) to St. Maarten's. I read most of the way down here so I am trying to be a more learned kid. I was hoping to have a window seat on the plane so I could take some pictures of the landing, but that was not the case so I just got to feel it. (ha!) On arrival, we got our baggage and then took a taxi back to the Sapphire Beach Club. We got situated at the condo and then decided to relax on the balcony for a few minutes.
Finally, we decided we were going to drive for a little bit and so we did…Yes, I am the Designated Driver for the trip. Holy CRAP! The people around here just beep their horns to let you know they are turning. There is no signage with the speed limit. And the roads have WAY to many craters! I’m going to know how to drive like an islander by the time I leave. It’s a different world around here. Everyone is just really chill and laid back. The stores are kind of sketch and out dated, but its been fun. Aunt Polly kept asking us to look for this place called, Uncle Harry’s.
Well, we found it – it was a unique place and we went in. The cheapest entrĂ©e was $19.75. Needless to say, this place did not measure up to our monetary value. We definitely drove past the airport about 6 times already and not real sure we meant to. Finally we found a 7-Alive. You read it right, not 7-eleven, but 7-Alive! It was super sketch.
We then came back to the condo and settled in for the evening…watching the end of American Idol. Now I am just sitting here writing this and I am zapped. I won’t be seeing midnight or later tonight. ☺ More to come tomorrow oh how I am sure of that…
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